000.0 000 A M. PAGE TWO THE DAILY REPORT, July WPA Funds Boosted $520.000 RELIEF FUND AVAILABLE IN FIFTH DISTRICT The fifth 1WPA district comprising San Bernardino, Riverside and Imperial counties, has received an allocation of to carry the new program through July. This amount, according to Director Ralph B. Smith, Is slightly more than the $500,000 monthly which the district has been receiv. Ing In the past.
Since allocation provides for about 7,425 workers, no additions to the rolls are contemplated this month. The district has nearly this number working on WPA projects at present. FEW NEW PROJECTS The director said engineers will concentrate on completing and pushing building jobs this month. Few new projects will be started until this work is farther along, be said. 5 Large building jobs under way in the district include school buildings at Chaffey and the San Bernardino valley junior, college auditorium.
"Owing to a scarcity of skilled workers," the director explained, "particularly carpenters, we will open no new projects requiring a high per cent of skilled men until our operating projects are nearer completion." Smith does not contemplate any great expansion of WPA in this district. WORK FOR UNSKILLED As to the type of project which will be most favored in the fifth district, Director Smith said it will largely depend on the unemployment load. At present the unskilled workers predominate. Projects requiring much unskilled labor will be opened first. This type of project.
will include flood control, sewers and storm drains, park improvements other than buildings and street and road improvements. Each district in the state re-, PLANNING JOBS Rushing measures of relief for the ministrator, is shown here in kins pledged immediate to the right are Gov. Walter Welford, NEW SUBMARINE LAUNCHED TODAY NEW LONDON, Conn, (UP) The navy's newest under-sea fighting craft, the submarine "Pickerel," was launched here today after being christened by Miss Evelyn Standley, daughter of Acting Secretary of the Navy William H. Standley. M.
Acuna, 54, charged with disturbing the peace after he allegedly had chased his wife and daughter from their home, 930 South Grove avenue, with a gun, was fined $50 in Justice Jim Sharp's court at Cucamonga Monday. Mrs. Acuna said her husband had been drinking for 13 days. celves its monthly allocation based on the number of workers on the rolls. A total of $53 is allowed per worker per month, plus $17 extra per worker, which covers materlal costs.
$50 Fine Levied After Alleged 13-Day Spree Dodge Gives 18to 24 Miles Per Gallon of Gas Dodge for 1936 is bigger and roomier than ever, with a number of basic, fundamental improvements: for driv. ing and riding enjoyment--for even thriftier savings in -and with all its advancements sells for just few dollars more than either one of the low-priced cars. Elsbery Reynolds Inc. 303. East A St.
-Ontario Dial 617-171 Dodge Plymouth Dodge Trucks NEWS FLASH! 1: 54 4 Jockey Shorts with Y- TRADE FRONT OPENING Greater convenience, milder support. Same snug comfort. Another 6 we innovation. Jockey shorts and shirts won the No tion's approval because they introduced the MASCULINIZED feature In men's underwear. Thousands now enjoy their snug comfort and restful buoyancy.
New Y- -Front opening will not gap. More convenient than outmoded vertical openings. Stays closed without buttons or elastic. Now Featuring Cool Mesh Weaves Here Exclusively at 500 Lowes 117 No. Eudid Are FOR THE VICTIMS OF DROUGHT drouth-stricken areas of the conference at St.
Paul with three section, where conditions are North Dakota; Gov. Elmer Holt, Berry. South Dakota. Japanese Says Hunt for His Body is Futile SAN PEDRO (UP), Harry Immisoto, 30, preferred 8 swim in the ocean today to visiting New Orleans. After shipping aboard the New Orleans-bound freighter Matthew Luckenback, the Hawalian- Japanese seaman waited until the freighter was gliding toward the outer channel before he made up his mind he didn't want to go.
Clothes and all, he plunged into the water, and struck out for shore 500 feet away. While coast guardsmen and harbor police were organizing a search for his body, dripping wet, Immisoto walked into the police station to report It wasn't necessary. 103 CARS CITRUSFRUIT SENT EAST: Citrus shipments from the West End during the past week totalled carloads of fruit, according to figures made public Tuesday by packers. Total shipments for the season to date thus stand at 3,743 carloads, Including 2,237 cars of navel oranges, 1,088 cars of lemons, cars of Valencia oranges, 7312 of grapefruit and 44 cars oranges of miscellaneous Variety. The week's output included 36 cars of Valencias, 45 cars of lemons and eight cars of grapefruit by the Ontario-Cucamonga change; five cars of Valencias by the San Antonio Orchard four of Valencias by the West Ontario citrusy association; two of Valencias the Hanson Fruit one each of Valencias and lemons by Turner and Myers, one of Valencias by the Central-avenue house of Mutual Orange Distributors, and a half car of lemons by the American Fruit Growers, Inc.
Intention Notices Filed by Four Here City Clerk C. C. Peabody concluded today that there must have been something unduly romantic about the recent holiday, even if it is termed Independence day. For four couples appeared in his office Monday and filed notice of intention to wed. They are: Samuel Uhlfelder Franke, 26, Los Angeles, and Josephine Louise Henry, 26, Upland.
James Wilson Fisher, 24, 156 Bonita court, and Doris Eleanor Mitchell, 18, 509 North Cherry avenue. Darrell Dean Loughead, 20, 1005 South Campus avenue, and Josephine Evelyn Bailey, 21, Upland. Harding Covert Routt, 45, Upland, and Jessie A. Jester, 43, Ontario. Bids on a new car for the city service department were called for by the city council Monday night at the request of City Service Manager Austin Burt.
The bids will be opened July 20. Burt has specified a two-door sedan of 112-inch wheel base, equipped with hydraullo brakes and other features. Bids for New Car for Service Dep't Sought LOS ANGELES (UP) -Plans to build a $1,400,000 auto speedway at which "world championship" races would be held, were announced today by a syndicate of southern California sportsmen. speedway is to be constructed near the municipal airport on the southwest side of Los Angeles and is expected to be completed by Thanksgiving day when one of the two annual races is to be held. The other is to be on Washington's birthday Auto Speedway to Be.
Built in Los Angeles Pomonan Pays Fine Louis Lewis, 38, Pomona, paid $10 fine on an intoxication charge Monday in Judge J. F. Hamilton's court. ONTARIO, i- SALESMEN HURRY TO ITALY AS IS DECLARED OFF northwest, Harry Hopkins, WPA adgovernors of the affected area. Hopnearly as bad as in 1934.
Left to Montana; Hopkins; and Gov. Tom TEMPERATURI AT 119 IN MIDWEST Concluded from Page One has wrought the greatest damage rushed their stock to market because of the dearth of water and pasturage. Yesterday's receipts of 71,000 cattle at 12 important livestock markets were the largest of the year. Today's receipts at the Chicago yards totaled 7,000, most of which were from the northwest. SOME GROWERS PROSPER The northwest drought which killed 100,000,000 bushels of wheat In June at an estimated cost to farmers of well over $100,000,000 has meant money in the bank for winter wheat growers in the southwest.
Their. crop is harvested safe from the ravages of drought, dust storms, and rust. Their 000-bushel yield is expected to bring them at least half a billion dollars as result of the sensational price gains scored by grain futures in the last three weeks. July wheat on the Chicago board of trade has rocketed up 25 cents bushel since June 1 when drought damage to spring wheat first was reflected in commodity markets. Kansas City July wheat is up cents in the same period.
ML SPECTACULAR BOOMS Minneapolis and Duluth, the markets where spring wheat is the deliverable grade on contracts. have been the centers for the most spectacular booms. Minneapolis July wheat 1s cents a bushel higher than on June 13. Grains became more precious as each hour passed without rain. Only normal conditions in other cattle regions averted an immediate jump in meat prices 88 pasturage and feed burned out into the northwest.
At least 100,000,000 bushels of wheat have withered and fallen in three months of rainless heat. Cattle are starving. Farmers already poverty-stricken face worse fate during the long winter months, when they must rely on income from this summer's crops. FOOD PRICES GO UP Retail food prices began to follow the wholesale markets upward. STORIES IN STAMPS By I.
S. Klein MODERNIZING THE TURKS TURKEY was under the thumb of an aging despot when young Mustapha Kemal, an orphan of Salonica, called upon the people to liberate themselves, He organized secret societies and was imprisoned, then exiled for his efforts. He returned to his country in the face of death as an outlaw, and so aroused the people that the sultan sought to get rid him by sending him away in charge of expeditions that seemed hopeless. But each time Kemal returned victorious. The World War came and Kemal, only 35, succeeded in turning back the invading allies at the Dardanelles.
Then came Greece, aided I by Kemal the former turned allies, back and the enemy. The sultan had to dee, and Kemal, at 40, became dent of a new Turkey. He moved the capital to Angora, and Instituted remarkable reforms in education and in the social lite of his people. Today, he is one of the most liberal and progressive leaders of the world. His picture appears on several 100 of Turkey' stamps.
(Copyright, 1936. NEA Service, Inc.) NEXT: (Copyright, 1986, by United Frem) LONDON (UP) -An army of salesmen scurried to Italy today and Europe hastened headlong towards a new epoch of military alliances. These were the first results of the League of Nations' abandonment of Ethiopia, as manifested in decision to lift anti-Italian economic sanctions, effective July 15. SCREEN FOR ALLIANCES Diplomatic quarters believed that when the league is "reformed" by the September assembly it will be transformed into screen for new military alliances. They feared that new regional negotiated ostensibly to supplement the league covenant would in practice replace it.
Commercial circles were as interested as the diplomats in the league assembly's death blow at sanctions. SCRAMBLE FOR ORDERS Salesmen heading for Italy were engaged in mad scramble for orders. The business houses of 18 European sanctionist nations launched fight for lost markets in efforts to recoup combined losses estimated at five billion lire since sanctions were imposed last October. Great stocks of accumulated goods piled high in freight sheds on the French frontier will be released next week. Already special freight trains have been ordered to rush across the frontier with loads of minerals, steel, cotton waste, chemicals and drugs--goods sorely needed by Italy.
Felts Transferred to L. A. Theater Division William D. Felts, stage direc- tor for the Federal Theater group in the San Bernardino-Riverside district for several months, has been transferred to a Los Angeles unit, it was announced today. Claude Miller will succeed Felts In this district.
Two Fined $10 Each Travis King, 20, Eighth street and Central avenue, and Argus Houston, 26, 905 East A street, rested on intoxication charges at Bob's Place, east of Ontario on street, were fined each in Justice Jim Sharp's Cucamonga court Monday. COAST ATHLETES FACE HEARING IN EASTERN TRAGEDY PRINCETON, N. J. (UP) -Evald Swanson, member of the University of California rowing crew, was reported to be recovering satisfactorily today at Princeton hospital from Injurles received yesterday when car in which he and two teammates were riding crashed into another machine, killing a negro woman. Carroll W.
Brigham, No. 2 man of the crew and driver of the car, planned to leave for the west coast tomorrow. He is under $1,500 ball pending action of the Middlesex county grand Jury, charged with "causing death with an automobile." Chief Middlesex Charles detectives A. Collins said of the the grand jury probably would not meet until fall. It indicted then Brigham will have to return and stand trial.
Brigham and Laurence Arpin, crew stroke, were injured only slightly. Swanson's hands were badly lacerated. Authorities said he would be kept at the hospital day or two longer. Physicians would not estimate how long it would be before he will be able to crew again. Survives Spectacular Crash and Pays $50 R.
H. Loyd, 36, arrested as the driver of a car which turned over at street and San Antonio avenue when it struck a dip at approximately 50 miles an hour, was fined $100 in Judge J. F. Hamilton's court Monday on a charge of driving while intoxicated. His companion, Hugh Meadows, 34, was fined $10 for intoxication.
Half of Loyd's fine was suspended and he paid the $50 balance. The men, both of whom gave 107 Commercial court as their address, escaped Injury in the accident. ALWAYS BARGAINS In New and Used FURNITURE and HARDWARE HO WELL' "The Store of a Million Articles" 202 South Euclid TUESDAY, JULY 7, 1936 5 3. Here's the "Buy" 3 YEARS F. $169.50 TO PAY FULL 7 FAMILY SIZE Shelf Area: 13.3 Sq.
Ft. 96 Ice Cubes (E-: Ice Melting Effect: 155 Equipment: Sav a Step, Tilt a- Shelf, 11 Point Cold SAVE $25 To ,50 Control, Safety Control, Zone Temperature WITH Freshener, Jumbo SlidJumbo Vegetable STEWART ing celain Fruit Evaporator Basket, Por- with WARNER Chilling Reversible Tray, Door, 4 Glass Ice Trays, Removable Shelf for Double Depth 4 Trays, Interior Light, Here's the buy of the years Round Wire Shelving, have Without this new down Stewart- payment -Warner you can in Chromium Finished Streamline Bright Hardware, S1o Cycle your home tomorrow. You'll save Twin Cylinder Commoney, too. Because SAV-A-STEP, pressor. found only in the Stewart- -Warner, turns back shelves into "front" space- -ends back -shelf fumbling 80 tors costing $25 to $50 more.
Let Month -and to-reach gives food as space much as really refrigera- easy. 4 Per us demonstrate this and other 1 features- FHA Terms Endorsed by Refrigeration Engineer Whose Word You Can Trust MACK'S I MACKS Refrigeration SERVICE 123 East A St. -Open Evenings- AnnouncingInsurance of Investments up to $5000.00 Funds invested with the Euclid Guarantee Building Loan Association are now sured up to $5,000 by the Federal Savings Loan Insurance Corporation, Washington, D. C. This is an added safeguard for our vestors, and is in addition to the safety assured by the policy of conservatism that has governed the Officers and Directors Member since our organization years ago.
Federal Home Loan Invest your savings in our Insured Investment Certificates. Bank System Funds invested with us before July 10th will receive interest from July lst EUCLID GUARANTEE Building Loan Association Officers and Directors O. Arnold, President F. G. Fallis, Vice- President G.
B. Harding, ViceChas. Latimer, ViceM. Shoemaker, Vice-President H. I.
Vollersen, Secretary A. M. Stockel, Assistant Secretary Paul Peterson, Assistant Secretary 4 10.